
Book Review: Brick Lane

In light of the July 7 London bombings I read this book because I wanted to have a perspective into the life of Muslims in Great Britain. Monica Ali makes a provocative and rewarding leap in her first novel about Nazneen a young Bangladeshi woman who comes to England to marry Chanu, an older man of questionable intelligence. Throughout the book Nazneen comes to terms with her racial, gender and religious identities as a Muslim woman in comtemporary London. One can see the gap between the younger, second generation Bangladeshis, who want to shake up the racist, elistist system and while the older immigrant generation don't want to rock the boat. Feminism is also plays a major role in the novel and all the female characters try to reconcile Islam and Eastern traditions with Western realities. The time span of the book revolves around before and after the 9/11 tragedies and Ali does a wonderful job how each character reacts. This is a great book about a group of people who are still misunderstood in the post September 11/July 7 era.


At Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:29:00 PM, Blogger David Amulet said...

I had not heard of this book -- thanks for the tip. I have not focused my blog on books enough; I keep getting distracted by things ot make fun on in politics, film, and music. Damn pop culture, damn it all.

Anyway, your note led me to believe that you might appreciate a book that is getting rave reviews: Incendiary by Chris Cleave. Published right as the London attacks unfolded, it is about ... Al Qaeda terror attacks in London! I have not had a chance to read it yet, and thus cannot give you a full recommendation, but I hear good things. Read a bit about it, and the author's motivations, at http://www.chriscleave.com.

All the best,


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