Post Colonial Moment: Millions More Movement

Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke to thousands of attendees about foreign policy yesterday in Washington DC during the Millions More Movement, the tenth anniversay commemoration of the Million Man March.
"It makes me sick to see Prime Minister Blair offered Africa $40 billion dollars in debt relief, and we applaud this," said Farrakhan. "The British have robbed Africa, the Carribbean, isles of the Pacific of trillions of dollars. Then they offer $40 billion and you think this is progress?"
Farrakhan also disagreed with the late Pope John Paul II's request to forgive white Christians for their mistreatment of the "indigenous people around the world." "Pope John Paul is not wrong to ask for forgiveness," he said, "but first admit the crime...Acknowledge that the Church did wrong, as the Church did wrong with sexual deviance. Repent for what you have done and forgiveness will come out of the hearts of the indigenous people if the Church atones. By atonement we mean not just asking for forgiveness, but giving back to the indigenous people for what you have taken from them."
Farrakhan would like to see Europe atone for what it has done to Africa by forgiving all debt and rebuilding the infrastructure there. He also purposed that African Americans take the initiative to help Africa.
"We haven't given up on Africa," he said. "We should reclaim it and help rebuild, and Africa what it is destined to become.
He also thinks the Carribbean islands need to unite against poverty. "Why are we educating them so they can serve rich black white and brown people who come to lay up there for a week or two," he said. "We don't want to be the servants of others if we can't be the servants of ourselves."
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