
Pangea Day

In case you missed it, yesterday the rest of the world partook in an international cultural festival call Pangea Day. It was an effort to bring people from all walks of life together in the name of respect and tolerance through film.

From Pangea Day:

The 24 short films to be featured have been selected from an international competition that generated more than 2,500 submissions from over one hundred countries. The films were chosen based on their ability to inspire, transform, and allow us see the world through another person's eyes.

The festival was viewed by millions both on its website and on TV. The event was the brainchild of acclaimmed filmmaker Jehane Noujaim, who after winning the Technology, Entertainment and Design Award (TED) prize in 2006, wished to have a live videoconference that took place in New York City, Rio de Janeiro, London, Dharamsala, Cairo, Jerusalem, and Kigali.

Congrats to Noujaim and company for creating a successful festival and giving the world a preview of technology's future.



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