
E-Waste & the Green Economy

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about how to be “more green” in our everyday lives, and in particular how to improve the global economy. In the last year, I have looked at the ways my company Global Wire Associates and my freelance journalism work operate and how I can create a smaller carbon footprint.

As a new media consulting firm, Global Wire Associates is in the business of using technology. However, with the growing problem of e-waste, we felt that it was our responsibility to use electronics with more mindfulness. According to the United Nations Environmental Programme, it is estimated that 20-50 million tons of discarded electronics are dumped into landfills around the world, mostly in developing countries, every year. Electronics include old mobiles, televisions, microwaves, computers and more. However, most of the time it’s not because these gadgets are broken; they’re being dumped in favor of newer versions.

Landfills with e-waste create serious problems in the long run. Toxic chemicals in electronics can leach into the land over time or are released into the atmosphere, creating severe health and environmental hazards in nearby communities.

Even if you take your old electronics to recycling sites, there is no guarantee they will be recycled properly. This is partly because it is expensive and labor-intensive to properly recycle e-waste in many developed countries, as most environmental laws in these countries require e-recyclers to use environmentally friendly processes.

So, for the last year, my company decided that when it is time to purchase any new equipment – cameras, computers, mobiles - we made sure that old or broken equipment was repairable first. We also donate old electronics that are not deemed useful for our purposes to other needy individuals or organizations. Before we consider making new purchases, we try to buy older but usable models whenever possible. If the electronics are beyond repairable, we properly recycle them.

Not only are we doing our little part to save the health of the planet and its people, but it has also made us feel really good about ourselves and wanting to extend our enthusiasm with others. So this year we launched our Recharge E-Waste campaign to make others aware of the global tech waste problem. We not only plan to use our website to have discussions about proper recycling, donating and/or selling of used electronics, and turning electronics into art and design models, but we are also seriously thinking about launching an e-waste management initiative later this year.

Our green awareness has also extended to other areas in our operations, like doing more web conferencing with clients instead of traveling, cloud computing and using green office supplies. Of course, I also use recycled cameras for my freelance video journalistic gigs. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that can make a big difference in our world.

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At Friday, February 10, 2012 8:38:00 AM, Anonymous Sherry said...

Hi Talia I didn't know you were doing all this. Good job. I will spread the word. ewaste is a very important issue as you put it. I need to be more thoughtful about getting rid of my blackberrys in future

At Friday, February 10, 2012 2:51:00 PM, Anonymous John D. in Hampshire said...

The real problem as you is that people dump their electronics all the time for newer versions. I think Apple has majorly contributed to this problem with their annual releases of iphones. People feeling the need to camp out in front of Apple to only get a recycled version of the previous phone. people don't think about the consequences of getting rid of perfectly useful phones just to look like tehy are keeping up with the jones.

At Friday, February 10, 2012 8:31:00 PM, Anonymous Mandy said...

Great article, more people need to realize they can recycle their old and unwanted electronics rather than throw them away. Regardless of where you live or the city offered programs, there are companies you can even send your electronic scrap to, and make a little profit yourself. No point in creating more waste!

At Friday, November 16, 2012 12:03:00 PM, Anonymous Juice diet london said...

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At Tuesday, May 10, 2016 2:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 19, 2017 5:53:00 AM, Blogger ewastemanagement said...

It is a interesting topic.Please share more topics like that.
global e waste management

At Wednesday, September 27, 2017 5:51:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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