
When Online Journalism Goes Really Bad

Most of you have already seen the video of former USDA employee Shirley Sherrod "racist" remarks before a NAACP gathering earlier this year. Sherrod was fired as soon as the video came to light by way of the conservative blogger Andrew Beitbert. The problem with the above video is that it was shorten to just show the most controversial bits. Although it has been revealed only after Sherrod was fired that the video didn't show the full explanation of her feelings towards white farmers, Beitbert has yet to apologize.

This brings up questions again about online journalism and the "urgency of now" theory, where the news has to get out first, and accuracy and fairness come later. But I would argue that, while that is a common problem in journalism today, I don't think that was entirely the case here.

My question is why would anyone listen to Beitbert in the first place? He has a history of bad journalism. Please remember he was "allegedly" behind the ACORN video and Sen. Mary Landreau wiretapping controversies. He even admitted he received the Sherrod video unedited and posted it without tracking down the original.

I am sure this will be a hot topic at a certain conference I am attending this week...

BTW, if you want to see the full Sherrod video:



At Monday, July 26, 2010 10:04:00 PM, Anonymous sheridan said...

I still can't believe Beitbart hasn't apologize for this. i have republicans

At Monday, July 26, 2010 10:04:00 PM, Anonymous sheridan said...

i mean i HATE republicans

At Tuesday, August 24, 2010 7:27:00 PM, Anonymous Will said...

You got it all wrong. It's not really about her story itself, it is about how the crowd reacted to her story before she got the chance to explain. Classic liberal spin.


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